"I firmly believe in promoting and managing health through physical activity."

Nutrition and diet are key to your health and fitness.

Eating a wide spectrum of foods as outlined in the governments healthy eating guidelines and the eatwell plate (below), should be the dietary basis for anyone who takes an interest in their diet and health.
Eatwell Plate
I recognize many people have dietary preferences for ethical, religious or allergy reasons, but there will be foods that will make up the recommended proportions of the food group.

It is important, for getting the correct balance of nutrients and minerals, to ‘eat a rainbow a day’. You will have been told that ‘greens are good for you’ but so are orange, yellow and red fruits and vegetables. By increasing the colour palette of food that you eat you will be getting a wider spread of vitamins, micronutrients and anti-oxidants.

'You are what you eat' is a phrase you will have heard people using, I prefer this more accurate version:

'You are what you eat and don't excrete'.

Sources of nutrition advice:
British Nutrition Foundation